Augmented reality

$reality = "real text\n";
$augmented_reality = "\e[31;40m augmented ".$reality."\e[0m";
print $reality;
print $augmented_reality;


, Eric Dymond

require Tk;
use English;
use LWP::Simple;
my $Version="1.0";
my $main=MainWindow->new();
$main->minsize(qw(550 450));
$main->maxsize(qw(525 450));
$main->title("Art can go here");
my $body =$main->Frame(-background=>'red',)->pack(-side=>'top',-fill=>'y');
my $inFrm =$body->Frame(-background=>'orange',)->pack(-side=>'top',-fill=>'x');
my $message = $inFrm->Label(-background=>'red')->pack(-side=>'top');
$code = get('');

, Eric Dymond

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use Tk;
require Tk;
use English;
use LWP::Simple;
my $Version="1.0";
my $main=MainWindow->new();
$main->minsize(qw(550 450));
$main->maxsize(qw(525 450));
$main->title("Art can go here");
my $body =$main->Frame(-background=>'red',)->pack(-side=>'top',-fill=>'y');
my $inFrm =$body->Frame(-background=>'orange',)->pack(-side=>'top',-fill=>'x');
my $message = $inFrm->Label(-background=>'red')->pack(-side=>'top');
$code = get('');

, Pall Thayer

Augmented reality for OS X

$text = "This is really just printed text";
`say $text`;

, Pall Thayer

The linux version of the OS X version of Augmented reality:

`espeak 'this is really just printed text'`;

, Pall Thayer

the last, in Icelandic:

`espeak -v is -s 100 'Þetta er í raun bara prentaður texti.'`

, Eric Dymond

use Tk;
use LWP::Simple;
#a trimmed version but still not micro
my $main=MainWindow->new();
$main->maxsize(qw(525 450));
$main->title("Art can go here");
my $body =$main->Frame(-background=>'red',)->pack(-side=>'top',-fill=>'y');
my $message = $body->Label(-background=>'red')->pack(-side=>'top');
$code = get('');