Definition of 'Acadenemic' on Rosalind

Definition of 'Acadenemic' on Rosalind - add your own voice, your own definitions on your own terms…

"Acadenemic - A constant refusal by certain academics, historians to grant a truth by not including in their studies 'real histories' of other significant artists or collectives, independent groups in their publications. A cultural sickness recognised in Media Art culture." Marc Garrett.

The definition above is on Rosalind, an upstart media art lexicon, born in 2004, following a sheltered 9 month gestation. Originally created to give voice to those who are either ignored, not represented fairly or are misrepresented by certain academics, institutions, historians and 'official' media outlets. Even though many may be considered or seen to be actively engaged in their work to be proposing a less divided world or a more inclusive society in their critical practice, in many cases this is actually not true in respect of how they act in reality.

This project of course does not intend to resolve the issue as an absolute antidote to such forms of cultural snobbery and elitism in Media Art and related cultures. Mainly because we know that it will take years, far too long for any actual 'authentic' change to happen. This habitual form of culturalized dysfunction touches upon a taboo that is systemic and has its own risks whenever anyone tries to openly discuss it. So, just to make it clear, we are not interested in the making of stars or treading on others so to reach some shallow and misguided, place in art or social history if it means having no soul left when you get there, where ever 'there' is. We value the outsider and those who are not readily accepted, we always will. We don't close doors we open them. We do not believe that to share our culture or platforms that you need to harbour any particular ideal or need to pretend that you are more informed than you really are - we are not pretending, we are learning just like you.

We have chosen our own way in dealing with this and do not expect everyone to be the same as us, yet we do appreciate the 'real' need to find alternative routes out of this separatist cul-de-sac, the need mutually break down the various hermetically sealed and elitist frameworks that negatively hold back others from sharing and being a part of the growth in making this world better than it is now. And yes, we are not perfect but we are open in acknowledging the issue, rather than denying it. Remember, just because many are using the cache of activism to employ their agency does not mean that they are not part of the problem, we all are. Lets work together in resolving this, rather than forming childish little playground cliques, perpetuating the mannerism of mono-cultural conformity. We are not deluded with the notion that Rosalind is a proposal or mechanism that will somehow create change, it is merely a symbol of a massive blind-spot in our shared practices - asking politely, sometimes with humour that, perhaps if we took the time to understand and 'even' appreciate other people's imaginations, beyond our usual, restrictive parapets. We may get a little bit closer that place which does not only exist as a dream or utopian desires…

Feed Rosalind with your own words and definitions to express and declare what you are, what you do and the worlds you create, on your own terms. Influence and mutate her, help her to maturity. Because we all need to move beyond where we are all now…

This project was concieved in January 2004 For 9 months the nascent lexicon was fed with words and their definitions.

In early September 2004 we agreed a name for the lexicon- Rosalind- after Rosalind Franklin and launched it to the world to be influenced and mutated and helped to maturity by all who interact with it.

The Gest@tors were: Marc Garrett, Neil Jenkins, Ruth Catlow, Ivan Pope, Helen Varley Jamieson, Karla Ptacek, Andy Deck, Joseph & Donna Mcelroy, Alan Sondheim, Ryan Griffis, Michael Szpakowski, Patrick Lichty, Maya Kalogera, Alexandra Reill.


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