Death To Yevgeny Nourish

'Death To Yevgeny Nourish' is an installation work that was shown from Oct 20th - 31st at the 'New Genres' group show, at RMIT School of Art Gallery in Melbourne, Australia.

The piece uses a live fish housed inside a tank to which a small LCD screen is attached. The screen flickers visuals, while the fish (a Japanese Fighter fish) swims jubilantly ~ creating a wispy silhouette against an ambient rainbow of colour.

The piece does not contain any sound. However for this video I use the ambient sound from the gallery. Other works in the gallery that contain sound bleed together, creating the soundscape for the exhibition.

Without restricting the work to any one interpretation, I'm exploring things like memory, attention, myth, domestic ambient objects and VR.

Visuals created in Processing. 2008