c.pappas: "It died because a troll found the page and would maliciously erase everything, everyday."
I would not put it this way; let's face it this was bound to happen and you also have the revert option on the wiki.
to me, it died when the password protection was installed which was the supercentral way of dealing with this potential issue. there were a lot of other options you chose however this one.
you could have instituted denial by ip, for instance, maybe you tried it
what I would have done is just declare that the experiment was over and move to something else
It's very interesting to understand also at what level of erasure you consider this behavior "trolling"
I had my stuff constantly erased and I also sometimes replaced stuff or edited away stuff or erased it and I did that because I thought it'd be nice w/o that stuff
I liked to wake up everyday and see a fresh supercentral page to have a go at, sysyphus like… or was that the danaids ?
the supercentral edit this experiment
Type: discussion
“Without a supervision and a permanent daily up-dating of his
Information System, a DSI/RSI ‘s work could quickly turn to be filling the Danaïdes’s
Amis de la poésie,