net neutral

As net neutrality moves into the political sphere, many are thinking that they have nothing to worry about.
After all, the network was designed from the get-go to survive nuclear attack.
But will it survive an attack of standardization and corporate need?
I doubt that it will. It will take some time but eventually you-tube vids, Rhizome and 4chans(and all, apologies to Tom Moody, I really do know what you've done, but this topic has little room for levity) will be banished to the low response network.
Anticipating a loss to the corporate types how can we leverage technology to make robust networks that don't rely upon ATT, Comacast. MSN etc..
Why do I think they will win?
Well if I was a music distributor, popular content provider, wouldn't I support a restricted, standardized network? Of course I would. I'd through millions of dollars at it.

Now I know everyone is thinking things like, chicken little, been there done that, whats the big D… etc etc.
I doubt that common sense will rule in the face of corporate pressure.
So I'm saying, think about alt networks, work on contingencies, and expect it to happen faster than you can imagine.
I do expect ATT to win and I do expect Tim Berner Lee to lose, cynical, but forearmed etc.


, Joe Edit

So PAM vidoe dies, but You tube survives?
And 4chan pohotoshop mashups survive but Pall Thayers Code Project dies.
Good for us at:
we can afford the overage.
money talks…, bulllshit walks…
I like it!