Mrs.Blake:The postman has brought a parcel.
Kate:Who is it for?
Mrs,Blake:Let me find my glasses.I can't read without them.
Kate:Let me see.Oh,parcel's from Martin.
Mrs.Blake:Will you give it to him,please?

Has Kate given the parcel to Martin?
Yes,she has.
Has Martin opened it?
No,he hasn't.
Why hasn't he opened it yet?
Because he can't undo the string.

Martin has taken Kate's scisors and he's cut the string.
Who's the parcel from?
It's from Martin's mother.

Martin:Mother has sent some presents for you.Here's gramophone record for Kate.There are five Serb folk-song on it.
Kate:How lowely!I've never heard any Serb folk music.Let's hear a song.

(Kate plays the record).

Martin:Mother sent some presents for you.Here's gramophone record for Kate.There are five Serb folk-song on it.
Kate:How lovely!I've never heard any Serb folk music.Let's hear a song.

(Kate play record).

Martin:How do you like our folk music?
Kate:It's fascinating.
Martin:Mother has sent this table-cloth for you,Mrs.Blake.
Mrs.Blake:It' lovely.I havent't seen a design like that before.And colours are beautiful!!! I must write to your mothrer and thank her.

Dick:There' s phone call for you ,Martin.
Martin:I'll take it.Exucuse me.