Station Rose & Madi Boyd on Resonance

Station Rose & Madi Boyd on Resonance FM with Furtherfield 9th Feb 2011.
Join us on Resonance 104.4FM
Wed 9th Feb 2010.
Time 7-8pm (UK - GMT).
Hosts: Marc Garrett, Irini Papdimitriou & Jonathon Munro
Special Guests: Elisa Rose & Gary Danner of Station Rose & Madi Boyd
Here we are again with another series of dynamic broadcasts on Resonance FM. This regular live show highlights current events, activities and controversies where contemporary art, technology and social context meet. Interviews and debate with artists, techies, thinkers and explorers are interspersed with bleeding-edge music and sound, a rolling program of experimental creative adventures for imaginative, critical engagement and amusement.
Marc Garrett interviews Elisa Rose & Gary Danner from Station Rose about their recent publication 'STATION ROSE: 20 Digital Years Plus'. The book features audio-visual works, performances, installations and Web 2.0 activities and linkings. Part of the book is dedicated to the media sculpture LoginCabin exhibited for three months in 2009 in the MAK in Vienna. They will also discuss Station Rose's history in the field of audiovisual art, electronic music, net art and audiovisual live performance. "Station Rose had every right to claim 'cyberspace is our land.' They were there very early, they raised their antennas and put down deep roots, and they never left." - Bruce Sterling, 2010.
Irini Papdimitriou & Jonathon Munro interview Madi Boyd Madi Boyd’s work explores perception of movement and form in space.
She is fascinated by the brain, eye and imagination and interested in fusing sculpture, moving image and other technologies. She is
collaborating with neuroscientists at UCL to produce experimental arenas in which to explore the limits of human perception.
Don't forget:
Station Rose's presentation & book launch at Furtherfield Thurs 10th Feb.
DR. Richard Barbrook will also give an introduction.
Reosonance FM