Wiretap 2.6

****************************** Wiretap 2.6 *******************************
Museums and the Internet

Date: ……………………………………… Sunday afternoon June 30
Time: …………………….. open from 13.00hrs - start program 14.00hrs
Location: …………….. V2_Organisatie - Eendrachtsstraat 10 - Rotterdam
Admission: …………………………………………………… free

Many museums are in the process of starting up various activities in
relation to the Internet as a medium parallel to their established
possibilities for information and education. The result are a number of
WWW-sites of national and international museums and area's on the Net for
the storage and presentation of data about exhibitions and collections.

Hyperlinks / Museums

Van Eyck Project ………………. http://www.hart.bbk.ac.uk/van_eyck.html
ZKM …………………………………………….. http://www.zkm.de/
Museon The Hague ……………………………. http://museon.museon.nl/
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam ………. http://www.cwi.nl/~hylke/hac/stedelijk
Art Museums ………………………… http://www.yahoo.com/Art/Museums/
British Museum: … http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/local/museums/BritishMuseum.html
World Wide Arts Resources ……………………………. http://wwar.com
Museum Moderner Kunst St. Ludwig Wien …. http://www.Austria.EU.net/MMKSLW/