Memesis Week @ Rewired


Just wanted to add a minor footnote to Niko Waesche's fun report from
Linz and Ars Electronica:

All this week Rewired takes a critical look at that memesis thesis. Tune
into the current article by dialing on your browser of
choice (any will do) or select retired Rewireds either by the URL or
clicking on REtread on the front page.

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Monday, Sept. 2: "Roger. Over and Out."

Roger Penrose did a fairly decent job of searching for that mind-machine
link in his 1989 book "The Emperor's New Mind." He turned up zilch. Why
is that lesson still being ignored?


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Wednesday, Sept. 4: "That Memesis Thesis"

How did the global mind meme and the meme meme crash and become "the
Future of Evolution"?

Front page today and after Friday.

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Friday, Sept. 6: "Barring the Bio-Babbling Brook"

We take a look at that symposium Geert Lovink's been moderating. We
choose sides.

Front page all weekend and

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Comments welcome. Either via RHIZOME_RAW or on Rewired's board (click
REsponse or go directly to