Selected Departments That Have Used my Art or Writing in their Curricula

At 12:37 PM -0500 12/30/07, Lee Wells wrote:
>That's impressive.
>And you are telling everyone…. Why?

To impress them!

Also because…

I like it when people reveal their referer logs (cf: ). In the back of Stefan Sagmeister's
designer monograph, he lists how many hours he spend on each project,
how much he got paid, and then he rates the projects on a scale from
1-5. It's like a career suicide thing to do, but he doesn't care and
it makes for interesting reading.

The names of the departments seem somehow instructional (at least to
me because I'm me, and potentially to other people somewhat like me).
They seem to represent a kind of creeping vine through academia (like
new media kudzu). I would be curious to see Brian Massumi's list, or
Stelarc's list (although they might be so long as to be relatively

Some of the departments listed are represented by Rhizomy folks
(Eduardo Navas, the McCoys, Michael Mandiberg, Trebor Scholz, Ryan
Griffis, David Clark, etc.) So posting the list fosters a sense of
global collegiality? (Rhizome-Has-An-Academic-Posse World Wide
Domination Tour 2008?)

In my research and archiving, I noted that several of these
attributions and usages could be traced directly to my activity on
Rhizome. So although merely posting to Rhizome probably won't get
you Chelsea gallery representation, it may get you marginally
referenced in the week 7 lecture of the 2002 "Audio Production &
Contemporary Culture" course in the Multimedia Studies department at
Central Queensland University in Australia. Now how much would you
pay? But wait, there's more!

It seems curious that a person would be able to accumulate such a
list at all. It is notable that athe medium which allows me to track
these things is also the medium that played a large part in me being
able to disseminate my work. Such lists are still not common
academic currency on a CV, but perhaps one day they will be.

Sleep deprivation. Between my browser bookmarks,, google,
several online translation engines, and…

I'm intercontinental and I eat French toast.

there may be two or three apples I didn't pick upon some bough / but
I am done with apple-picking now,

Well, OK, three more – groovy organizations that have taught my art
or writing but aren't undergraduate or graduate programs: