op7 by Otolab_the exhibition

Sorry for any crossposting

Traffic Gallery - New International Multimedia Centre & Digicult presents:


November 8 - December 31, 2007
Curated by: Marco Mancuso and Claudia D'Alonzo for Digicult
Exhibition opening | Wednesday, November 7 | 18.30 / 21.30 hrs
Traffic Gallery: Via San Tomaso 92, Bergamo - Italy


Videoclips, visual art, installations and artistic visual performances; this
is the orientation of the new-born Traffic Gallery in Bergamo, a gallery
specialized in digital, multimedia and videoart, set up with the intention
of promoting the new contemporary art trends expressed by the very last

Starting November 8, Traffic Gallery will host the exhibit "op7", by the
Milan-based collective otolab, curated by Marco Mancuso and Claudia D'Alonzo
for Digicult, a project of electronic culture and digital art diffusion.
Otolab was born in 2001 as an identity grouping musicians, djs, vjs,
videoartists, videomakers, web designers, graphic designers and architects
who share the will to research the interweavings between sound and image.
Through a laboratorial practice focused on the sharing of experience and
knowledge, otolab has produced collective and individual projects that range
from livemedia performances to installations, from experimental electronic
music to techno, thus featuring different approaches to experiment hybrid
perceptions of synthetic sounds and visions.

The exhibit at Traffic Gallery wants to document and reinterpret one of
otolab's most recent live performance works, "op7". Conceived in 2006 for
the Mixed Media festival which took place in the Hangar Bicocca in Milano,
it will be presented with a video installation of the work, a tryptich and
seven photographic prints taken from the original video material.

"op7" was a site-specific commission by Marco Mancuso/Digicult within the
curatorial work for the Mixed Media 2006 festival, with the aim of inviting
the Milan-based collective to dialogue with the "I sette palazzi celesti"
(The seven heavenly buildings) of Belgian artist Anselm Kiefer, seven
post-industrial towers that are permanently located in the Hangar Bicocca in
Milano. Thanks to a five-screen projection, Otolab set up an optical path
through seven tunnels of minimal black and white.

The sounds generate bidimensional shapes organized around a horizon, the
only fulcrum in the emptiness, an axis around which "op7" plays with the
spectator's eyes, deceiving the retina while generating illusory
three-dimensional environments born off an inlay of flat geometry. Each of
the seven tunnels is introduced by a moment of sensorial suspension that
invites the spectator to abandon the former and prepare for the next voyage:
six peripherical zones characterized by pulviscular sounds and pictorial
visions created by the Pepposcope, an optical tool projected by the
collective and here exhibited.

Otolab has set up self-organized cultural initiatives and organized seminars
and workshops. The first retrospective on the collective's work dates back
in 2004, curated by Lucrezia Cippitelli, at MLAC, Museo Laboratorio di Arte
Contemporanea di Roma. The group has taken part with livesets and
installations in national and international exhibits and events, such as:

- Dissonanze '06, Roma
- Clubtransmediale '05, Berlin
- Arte Nuevo Interactiva '05, Bienal Internacional de Merida, Mexico
- Istanbul Contemporary Art Museum, Turkey
- Gallery Noass, Art and Culture Project Noass, Riga, Latvia
- Netmage '04, Bologna


Catalogue texts: Marco Mancuso and Claudia Antimonelli
Press agency: Claudia D'Alonzo for Digicult
With the participation of: Icona Arti Grafiche Digitali


Exhibition Critical Text:
Exhibited Works: http://www.digicult.it/public/ExhibitedWorks_ENG.doc
Bio Otolab: http://www.digicult.it/public/BioOtolab_ENG.doc
Bio Curators: http://www.digicult.it/public/BioCurators_ENG.doc




Opening and cocktail, Wednesday November 7, from 18.30 to 21.30hrs
Opening to the public | November 8 - December 31, 2007 | Free entrance
Opening time | from Tuesdays to Saturdays | 10-13hrs 16-19hrs | Closed on
Sundays and Mondays


DIGICULT is a cultural project involved in digital culture and electronic
arts. DigiCult project is directed by Marco Mancuso and based on the active
participation of 40 professional people about, who represent the first wide
Italian network of journalists, curators, artists and critics in the field
of electronic culture. And on a multitude of updated strategies around new
media communication and networking activities. DigiCult is a web portal but
is also the editor of the monthly magazine DigiMag, discussing with a critic
and journalistic approach, about net art, hacktivism, video art,
electronica, audio video, interaction design, artificial intelligence, new
media, software art, performing art. DigiCult produce an electronic music
and audiovisual podcast and the newsletter international service DigiNews.
DigiCult is involved in side-activities like media partnerships and
journalistic/critic reports, consultancy and curatorial activities and
artists international promotion.