Societe Realiste presents Transitioners: Bastille Days collection, galerie Martine Aboucaya, Paris

Bastille Days Collection

An exhibition by Societe Realiste,
October 27 - December 1st, 2007,
at galerie Martine Aboucaya,
5 rue Sainte-Anastase 75003 Paris

Opening Saturday, October 27, 2007, 6:00 to 9:00 pm.

Transitioners is a trend design bureau specialized in political transitions.
Transposing the principles of prospective design, generally used by "fashion
trend agencies", to the field of politics, Societe Realiste questions the
revolution (transition) as a central category for the contemporary western
society. Transitioners surveys the mutations of the revolution as a form.
How a "democratic transition" can be produced? What is the role of design in
the permanent conversion of politics into mythology? How the effect of an
event on people can be transformed into a controlled affect?

Fashion trend agencies provide some basic feelings that remain crucial for
the good nervous health of the creation industry, like the dynamic variation
of the same or the anticipation of the unpredictable. The work of the
Transitioners bureau consists in conceiving collections of political
transitions: following the season's geopolitical zeitgeist, the agency
defines the assets to be highlighten in a revolutionary movement in order to
maximize its political efficiency and its impact on the media.

At galerie Martine Aboucaya, the Transitioners bureau exhibits for the last
time its 2007 collection, entitled Bastille Days, inspired by the French
Revolution, just before launching its new collection.

Information: [email protected]


In October, the Societe Realiste cooperative will also present its work:
- in the AtL(e)As(T.) CoMpleX exhibition, a experimental cartography show
realized as a counterpoint to the work of the artist Tamas St. Auby, at the
Studio Gallery, Budapest (October 9th - 20th, 2007 -;

- within the frame of the collective exhibition, The Other City, curated by
Hajnalka Somogyi and Samu Szemerey at the Hungarian Cultural Centre in New
York (opening: October 18th, 2007 -


Ferenc Grof / Jean-Baptiste Naudy
[email protected]