Smoke Signals by Minimaforms

Minimaforms creates two ephemeral speaking cloud structures as part of OFFLOAD festival in Bristol, UK. The clouds are instruments of communication that enable conversation through their ability to hybridize the ancient visual communication practice of smoke signaling with contemporary cell phone (sms) messaging. Participants engage in a collective act of writing space through the use of light as a virtual writing machine onto ephemeral plumes of smoke.

The first smoke signal floated across the heart of Bristol's cultural quarter and waterside located outside of the watershed media center. The second took place in a disused cathedral called at the peak of Bristol in Park Place.

"The event closed with avant garde architects - Minimaforms' breathtaking Smoke Signals - a huge projection of real-time audience generated text messages onto plumes of smoke, whilst a simultaneous smoke signals floats over Bristol Waterfront. In addition to this you will experience this with a rare performance of Steve Reich's Pendulum Music."

To see a full description of the piece and photo documentation check out

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