Urban Screens Manchester Newsletter 5

Urban Screens Manchester

It’s About Content!

Manchester Conference: 11 + 12 October 2007
Public arts + events programme: 11 - 14 October 2007

Two days: GBP80 / GBP60 concs
One day: GBP60 / GBP40 concs

Two days: GBP100 / GBP80 concs
One day: GBP80 / GBP60

Which curatorial criteria should be applied to the creation and curation of urban screens? Do urban screens suit a presentation of elaborate artistic content or will entertainment win over art? These questions along with many others will be addressed on day two of the conference, accompanied by two inspiring screenings from the art & events programme. Read on…..

Focus Session: Curating Screen Art for an Urban and Architectural Context, Cornerhouse
Moderator Mike Stubbs (UK) is Director of FACT in Liverpool. His own internationally commissioned artwork includes media installations and large-scale projections for public environments. He will lead the discussion on the role that curators and new media experts could play in the conception of media facades and other urban screens. At present, many existing urban screens lack the comprehensive sophistication that allows exploration of spatial, architectural or medial potentials.

Sylvia Kouvali (GR) is the initiator and curator of Yama, the first international space for publicising contemporary art in Turkey that opened in July 2007. Based on this experience, Kouvali will present a dialogue on how democratic or populist the content of the imposing and omnipresent screen can be and how much one can really show in public.

Michelle Kasprzak (CA/UK) is a curator, writer, and artist. She argues that presenting artwork on urban screens comes with a special set of considerations, challenges, and advantages that are unique to that context. Kasprzak will examine the opportunities that are opened up to artists and curators within this emerging format.

Dooeun Choi (KR) is the curator at Art Center Nabi which opened in 2000 as the first media art centre in Seoul, Korea. She will introduce COMO, an extended media platform located in the centre. Since 2004, the LED displays have been known as a unique multi-media installation which integrates art and architecture to create a new convergence. The focus is not on the outcomes but the creative energy emerging from free and imaginative human communication.

Otherworldly & Best of Transmedia, All screens
Curated by Michelle Kasprzak, Otherworldly premiered on the public screen at Federation Square, Melbourne, and features contributions by artists that take viewers on a journey through spaces that are at once familiar and alien. Best of Transmedia is a programme for which artists produced moving-image work that is very short (often a minute or less), and that could be sandwiched between advertisements. But as with most limitations, the condition of using urban screens as a platform fosters innovative work.

Communication <–> Spaces, All Saints
Dooeun Choi has curated Communication <–> Spaces, a time-based visual poem and collaboration between the Korean motion graphics designer Weong-Woong Cheong and artist Bill Seaman. The work poetically explores notions of the space of communication, underlined by traditional Korean music and experimental dance music.

Register your interest now at www.manchesterurbanscreens.org.uk

Urban Screens Manchester has been curated by Dr Susanne Jaschko .
Urban Screens Manchester has been supported by Cornerhouse and BBC.
It has been funded by Arts Council England, Manchester City Council, Marketing Manchester. With support from MDDA and Manchester Knowledge Capital.