Don't just Do It Yourself (DIY) Do It With Others (DIWO)

Don't just Do It Yourself (DIY) Do It With Others (DIWO)

HTTP Gallery, Sunday 7th October, 12-6pm
Unit A2 Arena Design Centre, 71 Ashfield Road, N4 1NY

A networking day all about how artists work collaboratively with each
other and audiences in the co-production of artworks or events as a
central part of their practice. The event is open to artists, musicians,
writers, programmers, activists; thinkers and doers of all kinds.

What Will Happen?
The event kicks off with presentations by artists Saul Albert, Ele
Carpenter, Adnan Hadzi, Emily Druiff and Lottie Childs, who work with
different models of participation and engagement. Discussion and debate
will be encouraged in response to each presentation. After refreshments
follows an audiovisual performance by Chinese digital artists 8GG, 'the
air been broken', a new commission by Folly. For the rest of the
afternoon visitors are asked to show-and-tell each other what they do.
All visitors are asked to bring some representation of their own
projects to promote and to share with other potential collaborators.
These can take the form of drawings on paper, objects, a digital
artefacts, a scientific prototype- whatever it takes. We will round off
the event with an 'open mike' session of quickfire presentations; any
visitor can present their own or other's work, offer their services and
skills to another project or make a request for help with completing
their own project.

Please RSVP to [email protected]

Because of limited space we can only accommodate 40 visitors for this
event. Please book your place by emailing Lauren -
[email protected] first come, first served. Projectors and
wireless access to the Internet will be provided, please let us know if
you have any other special requirements please contact us.

When and where?

Sunday 7th October 2007, 12-6pm

HTTP Gallery
Unit A2 Arena Design Centre,
71 Ashfield Road, N4 1NY
Tel +44 20 8802 2827
Parking Facilities available also.

For maps and information about getting to HTTP

More about the presentations and performance

Who Wants To Be?:
Saul Albert from The People Speak presents 'Who Wants To Be?' The game
show where the crowd has all the answers, makes up the questions and
sets the rules. On the 9th October 'The People Speak' a London based art
collective are to conduct a radical experiment in live entertainment.
'Who Wants to Be?' mixes democratic decision-making, interactive
animation and improvisation into a dangerously spontaneous game show.
Using a computer vision voting system designed for use by hoards of
rowdy people, the audience at the Albany Theatre in Deptford will be
asked to decide how to spend a