Get on your Digital Soapbox! Dont miss out!!

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Get on your digital soapbox!

Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT) are holding a series of FR=
EE public forums as part of still/open Program during September in Melbourn=
e, Perth and Brisbane as part of their emerging technology labs. The forums=
are running;

Melbourne 6pm, 5th September 2007 @ Digital Harbour
Perth 6pm, 10th September 2007 @ The Bakery ARTRAGE Complex
Brisbane6pm, 14th September @ The Judith Wright Centre

The forums will explore recent projects by internationally renown guest thi=
nkers: Alessandro Ludovico (Italy) a publisher, media artist and editor in =
chief of Neural (, Andy Nicholson (Australia) a free =
software hacker, new media activist and part of the Engage Media collective=
( and Beatriz da Costa (USA) an interdisciplinary =
artist and researcher who works with open science (http://www.beatrizdacost= Creative Commons Australia will open the floor for discussion of O=
pen Source Culture.

Open Source Culture is the growing global phenomenon of creative practices =
of sharing content for others to rework, reuse and redistribute. It has cre=
ated a digital collective media culture and cult like following where every=
one from teenagers to grannies are getting involved. It has moved from the =
programming sphere into the general and business community; the purchase of=
YouTube for $1.65 billion and MySpace for $580 million by News Corp. and G=
oogle highlight just how much value they can have.

Open Source Culture aims to empower the user and challenge the power of the=
media giants. Currently a conflict is occurring between the owners of onli=
ne "user generated" infrastructures and those who use them. User submitted =
and generated content often is moderated by the site or organization it is =
uploaded to, giving absolute control to the powers that be to do as they wi=
sh with the content submitted. By its nature Open Source Culture brings up =
many opinions and questions including; how open is Open Source Culture? Is =
it user friendly or financially beneficial to the big players? How might ar=
tists make use this cultural movement? And [insert your own question here] =
will be part of the discussion in the still/open forum.

The forums are presented as part of ANAT's emerging technology labs, which =
are responsible for the hugely successful reSkin program.

For media information and availability of the facilitators for interviews p=
lease contact Amanda Matulick on 8231 9037 or [email protected] or fo=
r more information on the forums and still/open please visit


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<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-=
<B><U><FONT SIZE="2" FACE="Helvetica">Get on your digital soapbox! <BR>
</FONT></B></U><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica">Australian Network for A=
rt and Technology (ANAT) are holding a series of </FONT><B><FONT SIZE="1"=
FACE="Helvetica">FREE public</FONT></B><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetic=
a"> </FONT><B><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica">forums</FONT></B><FONT SI=
ZE="1" FACE="Helvetica"> as part of </FONT><B><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="=
Helvetica">still/open Program </FONT></B><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica=
">during September in Melbourne, Perth and Brisbane as part of their </FONT=
><U><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica">emerging technology labs</FONT></U>=
<FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica">. The forums are running;<BR>
</FONT><B><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica">Melbourne 6pm, 5th Septembe=
r 2007 @ Digital Harbour<BR>
Perth 6pm, 10th September 2007 @ The Bakery ARTRAGE Complex<BR>
Brisbane6pm, 14th September @ The Judith Wright Centre <BR>
</FONT></B><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica">The forums will explore rece=
nt projects by internationally renown guest thinkers: </FONT><B><FONT SIZE=
="1" FACE="Helvetica">Alessandro Ludovico</FONT></B><FONT SIZE="1" FA=
CE="Helvetica"> (Italy) a publisher, media artist and editor in chief of =
</FONT><B><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica">Neural</FONT></B><FONT SIZE=
="1" FACE="Helvetica"> (</FONT><U><FONT COLOR="#0000FF" SIZE="1" FA=
CE="Helvetica"><A HREF=""></A=
></FONT></U><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica">), Andy Nicholson (Australi=
a) a free software hacker, new media activist and part of the </FONT><B><FO=
NT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica">Engage Media</FONT></B><FONT SIZE="1" FA=
CE="Helvetica"> collective (</FONT><U><FONT COLOR="#0000FF" SIZE="1" =
FACE="Helvetica"><A HREF="">http://engagemedia.o=
rg/</A></FONT></U><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica">) and </FONT><B><FONT=
SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica">Beatriz da Costa</FONT></B><FONT SIZE="1" =
FACE="Helvetica"> (USA) an interdisciplinary artist and researcher who wo=
rks with open science (</FONT><U><FONT COLOR="#0000FF" SIZE="1" FACE==
"Helvetica"><A HREF="">http://www.beatrizda=</A></FONT></U><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica">). </FONT><B><=
FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica">Creative Commons Australia</FONT></B><FO=
NT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica"> will open the floor for discussion of Ope=
n Source Culture.<BR>
Open Source Culture is the </FONT><B><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica">gr=
owing global phenomenon</FONT></B><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica"> of c=
reative practices of sharing content for others to rework, reuse and redist=
ribute. It has created a </FONT><B><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica">digi=
tal collective media culture</FONT></B><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica">=
and cult like following where everyone from teenagers to grannies are gett=
ing involved. It has moved from the programming sphere into the general and=
business community; the purchase of YouTube for $1.65 billion and MySpace =
for $580 million by News Corp. and Google highlight just how much value the=
y can have. <BR>
Open Source Culture aims to </FONT><B><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica">e=
mpower the user</FONT></B><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica"> and </FONT><=
B><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica">challenge the power</FONT></B><FONT S=
IZE="1" FACE="Helvetica"> of the media giants. Currently a conflict is =
occurring between the owners of online "user generated" infrastructures and=
those who use them. User submitted and generated content often is moderate=
d by the site or organization it is uploaded to, giving absolute control to=
the powers that be to do as they wish with the content submitted. By its n=
ature Open Source Culture brings up many opinions and questions including; =
how open is Open Source Culture? Is it user friendly or financially benefic=
ial to the big players? How might artists make use this cultural movement? =
And [insert your own question here] will be part of the discussion in the <=
/FONT><B><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica">still/open </FONT></B><FONT SI=
ZE="1" FACE="Helvetica">forum. <BR>
The forums are presented as part of ANAT's emerging technology labs, which =
are responsible for the hugely successful </FONT><B><FONT SIZE="1" FACE=
="Helvetica">reSkin</FONT></B><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica"> progra=
m. <BR>
For media information and availability of the facilitators for interviews p=
lease contact </FONT><B><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica">Amanda Matulick=
on 8231 9037 or </FONT></B><U><FONT COLOR="#0000FF" SIZE="1" FACE="H=
elvetica">[email protected]</FONT><B></U><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Hel=
vetica"> </FONT></B><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica">or for more informa=
tion on the forums and </FONT><B><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica">still/=
open</FONT></B><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica"> please visit </FONT><U>=
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF" SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica">
open/blog/forums/</FONT></U><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Lucida Grande">.<BR>
</FONT><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Helvetica"><Ends><BR>