Re: RHIZOME_RAW: Hirst vs. Barbieri vs. Mike Judge

I would say culture needs to look much further than a kid from southern
California but yes I agree. Art is at its best when those that create it
don't even think of it as such. Its going to take a bit more time to break
free from the disastrous formulas of post modernism. In defense of Hirst, at
least this one will not rot.

I heard this funny thing from a Yale grad the other day. She said "I'm
trying to make dumb art." Seems to be a trend.

Who knows maybe Mike Judge's film idocracy is right.

> From: Eric Dymond <[email protected]>
> Reply-To: Eric Dymond <[email protected]>
> Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 00:46:54 -0400
> To: <[email protected]>
> Subject: RHIZOME_RAW: Hirst vs. Barbieri
> So in this newly found world isnn't Tommas Barbieri
> more interesting than Damien Hirst.
> Can a kid from California have a greater impact on culture than an indemnified
> brit-pack salesman?
> What does the Hirst Diamond encrusted thingy tell me about our culture ,
> ourselves, that the kid from California can't?
> It's a more serious question than it appears.
> The kneejerk reaction is high falutin' art theory shit. On second take, the
> kid tells me all about the mindset of the new century, and as I think about
> it— Hirst falls back into the last century without a splash.
> Why was the 20th century so pathetic, so lame.., so…, last century?
> Gimme kids from the corner and R. Kelly, and bury Hirst at Wounded Knee.
> Go with the gut, and pour some good scotch on the brain.
> Eric
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