

HOSPI-TABLE: The Architecture of Human Meetings Today

We seek video-talk contributions on the Architecture of meetings and meeting-places today or maybe tomorrow.

All video-talk contributions will form a “table” in a YouTube Channel, around which this year’s Summer Workshop "hospi - table : the Architecture of meetings and meeting places" will be evolved.

We invite artists, architects, philosophers to deliver a 30 seconds to 6 minutes small talk. The emphasis will be put on the diverse conditions of meeting in real space or in the internet and on changes taking place, or anticipated in the post network meeting tables. The KAM hospi-table workshop will examine possibilities of the same questioning in Chania, Crete, during the period of August 8-14, 2007.

We will need your contribution uploaded until August 8. The oral character is the most important factor so please note that we would like to grasp a quick, spontaneous reaction of yours about the topic. If your statement is given in english or in french our work will be easier. Your name will be tagged and linked to your short film.

We are asking for a white background small video film showing you delivering an improvised or read talk or statement. The video has to be uploaded in youtube. The quality of the video is not important if the sound is clear.

To upload your video use the address
hospitablechannel in youtube
user name: hospitablechannel
password: 0hospitable1

A next round of Hospi-table talks will take place after the end of the Workshop. Next deadline is August 30th.

The KAM hospi-table working group

HOSPI-TABLE: The Architecture of Human Meetings Today

The Hospi-Table Workshop explores the structure of today's concept of meeting in architectural terms. This choice seeks to question the conventional empirical area and the internet digital area at the same time. The assumption of an in situ workshop is altered in reference to the Internet. Thus, the workshop will be hosted in a meeting area organized between real and internet space. To be more precise, dwelling between the real and internet meeting area is achieved through the mediation of a table. The theme is the concept of Meeting in general and the object, the "table", organizes the reference to the hosting of a meeting. The headquarters of the workshop are in the Chania Grand Arsenal. The reference areas are a number of "topoi" in Chania with conventional meeting tables, and also various internet meeting areas (mailing lists, collaboration platforms, collective content pools, Second Life, etc.).

The objective is to create projects (constructions and speeches) dealing with the concept of meeting under current conditions. Teaching is not the main objective of the workshop; it is collaboration for the production of small works. These works will be organized and situated at various internet locations.

The Hospi-Table Workshop is initiated by Aristide Antonas, Panos Kouros and Filippos Oreopoulos and hosted by the Center for Mediterranean Architecture (KAM) in Chania, Crete, Greece. The Hospi-Table Workshop is based on a concept by Gregorios Pharmakis plural person. [ http://hospi-table.blogspot.com/ ]

KAM Summer Workshops

The KAM Theory and Practice Summer Workshops have been organizing approaches to architecture and art since the summer 2000. These approaches are based on contemporary imaging technology and theory. The summer workshops are an interdisciplinary architecture and art program with an emphasis on practical application. Each year's project consists of creating themes for a specific area (that has particular narrative characteristics) and an effort to produce models of that area. This approach organizes a somewhat nomadic reflection thereby creating an area identity characterized by continuous suspense. In this year's approach, we will be exploring the relationship between locality and its internet versions. The "topos" is assembled as a disparate sum of unforeseen installations with an imponderable and unstable point of reference: it constitutes a fixed reference for collecting data that organize versions.

Participants include professors and students from Greek and foreign Schools of Architecture and Fine Arts and honoured guests, who are selected on the basis of the annual project. The KAM workshops aim at creating a structure with a minimum of hierarchy, where knowledge is not the outcome of direct and homeotropic teaching but a result of the particular and autonomous participation of students in the construction of each collectively implemented project. Within the framework of the summer workshops, lectures and discussions accompany project implementation, as parallel experiences of all participants. Thus, involvement in each participative project defines the tasks, discussions and theoretical approaches. The project will be exhibited and published. The Chania Municipality KAM (Centre for Mediterranean Architecture) forms part of the Ministry of Culture's Architecture Network and Dimitris Antonakakis is its art director.
