Freewaves Filter - JULY 2007

18 July 2007


1. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Global Remake of Vertov's Man With A Movie Camera

2. OPEN CALL: Transnational Communities Award (US-Mexico Foundation for Culture)

3. CALL FOR ENTRIES: Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid


1. Call for Participation: Global Remake of Vertov's Man With A Movie Camera

2008: Man With a Movie Camera is a global remake of Vertov's 1929 film
(Man With A Movie Camera) using the web to archive, sequence and deliver
submissions to the Big Screen Manchester UK on October 11 with more public
venues in the UK through 2008. The website at has a scene
index and every shot of Vertov's film is logged, with an intro to the project. The
scene index and shot list are there for reference. This doesn't have to be a copy,
it can be a 21st century version inspired by the original.

Scene uploading will begin in August. All submissions will be credited and will
appear on all publicity.

See project website for details:
Big Screen Manchester:
Contact: [email protected]


2. OPEN CALL: Transnational Communities Award (US-Mexico Foundation for Culture)

The US-Mexico Foundation for Culture is re-launching its Transnational Communities
Program with the Transnational Communities Award, a joint project with the
Electronic Arts and Video Festival Transitio_ mx 02 and Fundacion BBVA Bancomer.

The Transnational Communities Award is open to artistic, cultural and social projects
that creatively use the technologic and conceptual tools available in the web,
broadening the channels of communitarian communication and interaction and
giving rise to spaces online where practices and stories are shared. The purpose
of this award is to foster the access to cultural goods and to the technologies
involved in its production and distribution, to promote the diversity of expressions
and to recognize the citizen participation of the Transnational Communities that
link Mexico and the United States in a daily and permanent way.

The call for submissions is open to individuals, groups, associations, organizations
and institutions from Mexico and the United States that develop artistic, cultural
and social projects for which the Internet is both a sufficient and necessary condition
of viewing, expressing and participating.

Among the fields of activity subsumed are: video (communitarian video, documental,
videoart, videoclip, videomail, telenovelas/soap operas),, citizen journalism,
digital communities, online forums, weblogs social networks, online videogames,
online artistic collaboration projects, electronic literature, digital narrative, online
communitarian radio, podcasts, etc.

The winner will be awarded US$3,500.

Further information:
E-mail: [email protected]


3. CALL FOR ENTRIES: Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid

The 'Rencontres Internationales' will take place in Paris in November 2007, at
the Centre Pompidou, at the Jeu de Paume national museum and in other key
locations. The same program will be presented in Madrid in April 2008 and in
Berlin in June 2008.

Those three events will propose an international programming focusing on film,
video and multimedia, gathering works of artists and filmmakers acknowledged
on the international scene along with young artists and not much distributed

Any individual or organisation can submit one or several proposals. Call open
to film, video and multimedia, without any restrictions of length or genre.
Submissions are free, without any limitation of geographic origin.

All Film and Video Formats:
* Video / Video Art / Experimental Video
* Experimental Film
* Documentary, Experimental Documentary
* Fiction - Shorts to Feature
* Animation
Net Art
Performance, Concert

Submit video and film on DVD via postal mail, enclosed with a filled-in ONLINE

Entry forms and information regarding the 'Rencontres internationales
Paris/Berlin/Madrid' are available on the website.

The 'Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid' are supported by French,
German, Spanish and international cultural institutions.

An online magnet for the media arts, FREEWAVES is a grassroots yet global
arts organization connecting innovative, relevant, independent new media
from around the world.

You are subscribed to this list as [email protected]. To unsubscribe, send email to

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2151 Lake Shore Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90039
United States


an online media arts magnet