2007 ANAT Emerging Technologies Mentorship

2007 ANAT Emerging Technologies Mentorship

ANAT is offering the opportunity for young and emerging practitioners
working with distributed, portable, online, wearable, gaming, mobile
and emerging platforms to undertake a three-month mentorship with an
established practitioner of their choice.

The mentorship enables an emerging artist to explore new creative
directions, to expand technical skills and increase knowledge of
networks, debates and business practice. Applicants are invited to
select a mentor and develop a program of activity spanning a
three-month period. By utilising emerging technologies the mentor may
be accessed locally, nationally or internationally and the successful
applicant will maintain a blog for the duration of the mentorship on
the ANAT server.

Applicants must be emerging technologies practitioners who are 30 years
or under. The mentorship will provide a fee for the mentoree ($7,200
excl GST) and a fee for the mentor ($1,800 excl GST). The mentorship
program should be completed by early December 2007.

ANAT guidelines and application
forms are available on our web site http://www.anat.org.au. For
further information please contact Gavin Artz, ANAT General Manager -
[email protected], 08 8231 9037, Monday - Friday, 10am - 4pm CST.

This mentorship is a part of the Australian Government's Young &
Emerging Artists Initiative through the Australia Council, its arts
funding and advisory body. Australian Media Arts Organsiations d.lux,
Experimenta and MAAP are also offering mentorships:

+ d.lux will hold their mentorship inside Second Life or a similar
online virtual community, contact [email protected] for more
+ Experimenta's focus is on Site Related and/or Public
Work, contact [email protected] for more information.
+ MAAP will focus on projects that intersect or consider connections with the Asia
Pacific regions, contact [email protected] for more information.

ANAT gratefully acknowledges the assistance of CraftSouth in
establishing the ANAT Emerging Technologies Mentorship Program.


ANAT is assisted by the Australia Council for the Arts, by the South
Australian Government through Arts SA http://www.arts.sa.gov.au and the
Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, State
and Territory Governments.