DADADA / 7-21 july / Hammam Cejvan Cehaja, Mostar, Bosnia-Herzogovina - Curated by Pierre Courtin

DADADA / 7-21 july / Hammam Cejvan Cehaja, Mostar, Bosnia-Herzogovina
Curated by Pierre Courtin

Featuring: Emmanuelle Antille, Ervin Babic, David Cousinard & Sarah Fauguet,
Andrej Derkovic, Jusuf Hadzifejzovic, Frank Hoppe, Adla Isanovic, Damir

Videobox: Boris Achour, Abdelkader Benchamma, Nicolas Boone, Baptiste
Debombourg, Aymeric Delhay, Aurelie Dubois, Zlatan Filipovic, Ibro
Hasanovic, Barry Johnston, Argentine Lee, Laurent Mareschal, Jean-Gabriel,
Periot, Damir Radovic, Edo Vejselovic, Lee Wells, Virginie Yassef.

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Dada. International movement born in the beginning of the 20th century which
embodies the revolt of a living, irrational and free line of thought against
the stale doctrines of une raison et d'un progres that were
quintessentially illustrated in the barbarous acts of the First World War.

Dadada. Rather than a collective exhibition such as is generally expected to
revolve around a central question, a stance, a theory on what brings the
various artists together and what justifies the choice of their works,
dadada offers a fair-exhibition-collection of contemporary art. Beyond the
formalist and theoretical divide that any exhibition dogmatism tend to
create, here the Affect and an anarchical conception the principle of
exhibiting are strongly stated.

Desire, sensitivity and seduction are claimed are the engines of the
exhibition: the desire of the curator to confront the works of several
artists from the 10m2 gallery in Sarajevo; assertion and liberation of the
instinctual energies of the works rather than curating in a way that stifles
the potential of their seductive energies by shaping them into instruments
of thought, thus reducing the works and their plethora of interpretations to
the mere preposterousness of a catchy pitch.

In a world increasingly dominated by one single pattern of thought and where
the idea of democracy in its anarchical essence is denied, art presents
itself as the political space of a certain freedom, a sensitive and
irrational humanity that yearns to be preserved. An art freed from
theoretical discourse, as the expression of diverse ways of thinking and
feeling with no arbitrary classification but the sufficient amount of
haziness, a light "sfumato" that enables the imagination to be grafted onto
the mind and to open up to a profusion of possibilities. It is about
insisting on the autonomous character of the works, on their originalities,
their presence and their individualities. It is about letting the works live
on their own and above all, together, by asserting their co-existence.

Co-existence of installations, videos and of the Mostar Hammam, an
exhibition space that is an architectural masterpiece in itself and not just
a backdrop for the exhibition. Nothing will be hung on the walls, there will
be no electrical lighting other than that required for the installations or
the videos to function. There will be a double timeframe for the exhibition,
to suggest a return and an unsteady vision of the works and their
interactions. The works can thus be appreciated through time, in this
ceaseless shift between appearance and disappearance, taking shape or fading
out into thin air depending on the light, mirroring the movement of
destruction and reconstruction that has characterized the history of the
Hammam, but also echoing the essential vulnerability of any work of art and
its unceasing rebirth.

Text by: Pierre Courtin
Translation: Robin Holmes
More information:

galerija 10m2
Stakleni grad, ferhadija 17, Sarajevo
+387. 61.917.037

DADADA / 7-21 juli / Hammam Cejvan Cehaja

Izlozba DADADA predstavlja radove umjetnika: Emmanuelle Antille, Ervin
Babic, David Cousinard & Sarah Fauguet, Andrej Derkovic, Jusuf
Hadzifejzovic, Frank Hoppe, Adla Isanovic, Damir Niksic.
Jedna prostorija u hamamu ce biti rezervisana za video radove umjetnika :
Boris Achour, Abdelkader Benchamma, Nicolas Boone, Baptiste Debombourg,
Delhay, Aurelie Dubois, Zlatan Filipovic, Ibro Hasanovic, Barry johnston,
Argentine Lee, Laurent Mareschal, Jean-Gabriel Periot, Damir Radovic, Edo
Vejselovic, Lee Wells, Virginie Yassef.

Dada.Internacionalni pravac s pocetka 20. vijeka koji predstavlja revolt
zive, slobodne i iracionalne misli protiv skleroticnih doktrina jednog
razmisljanja i jednog progresa koji se nalaze na pocetku barbarizma prvog
svjetskog rata.

Dadada. Umjesto kolektivne izlozbe koje oko date problematike iniciraju
rasprave i teorije, okupljanja razlicitih umjetnika i izbora djela, dadada
nudi vasar-izlozbu-kolekciju savremene umjetnosti.
Daleko od formalnih i teoretskih podjela, princip ove izlozbe je u afektu i
anarhicnom konceptu. Zelja, osjecajnost i privlacnost su njen osnovni
pokretac. Zelja kustosa je bila da « suprotstavi » radove umjetnika Galerije
10m2 iz Sarajeva. Afirmacija i sloboda energije samih djela postedena su
predgovora koji bi ih pretvorio u alatku jedne misli koja reducira djela i
njihovu beskonacnu interpretaciju.
U svijetu u kojem dominira jedno misljenje, gdje je ideja o demokratiji u
svojoj anarhicnoj sustini negirana, umjetnost se predstavlja kao slobodni
politicki prostor jedne suptilne i iracionalne humanosti koju treba
Umjetnost koja prevazilazi teoretska izlaganja, kao izraz razlicitih
razmisljanja i senzibilnosti, bez klasifikacije i sa dovoljno « maglovitog
», tog « sfumata » koji pruza imaginaciji priliku da se otvori prema bezbroj
U pitanju je podsticanje autonomnog karaktera djela, njihova jedinstvenost,
prisutnost i individualnost, u pitanju je ostavljanje djela « da zive sama »
kao i da « zive zajedno » potvrdujuci svoju koegzistenciju. Koegzistencija
instalacija, video zapisa i mostarskog hamama, izlozbenog djela koji se
predstavlja kao arhitektonsko djelo a ne kao izlozbena podloga.
Izlozba nece koristiti zidove kao podlosku niti elektricnu rasvjetu, osim
one koja je neophodna za funkcionisanje instalacija i video projekcija.
Povezanost izlozbe i smjene dana i noci poziva na ponovnu posjetu. Djela se
zatvaraju u vremenu, u stalnoj smjeni pojavljivanja i nestanka, nastajuci i
opet nestajuci u funkciji svjetlosti koja nas upucuje na dekonstrukciju i
rekonstrukciju koji karakteriziraju istoriju hamama, ranjivost umjetnickog
djela i njenu stalnu renesansu.

Pierre Courtin
Traduction: Jasmina Zvonic

DADADA / 7-21 juillet / Hammam Cejvan Cehaja

L'exposition Dadada rassemble les artistes Emmanuelle Antille, Ervin Babic,
David Cousinard et Sarah Fauguet, Andrej Derkovic, Jusuf Hadzifejovic, Frank
Hoppe, Adla Isanovic, Damir Niksic. Une piece du Hamman sera reservee aux
oeuvres videos de Boris Achour, Abdelkader Benchamma, Nicolas Boone,
Baptiste Debombourg, Aymeric Delhay, Aurelie Dubois, Zlatan Filipovic, Ibro
Hasanovic, Barry johnston, Argentine Lee, Laurent Mareschal, Jean-gabriel
Periot, Damir Radovic, Edo vejselovic, Lee Wells, Virginie Yassef.

Dada. Courant international du debut du XX eme siecle qui incarne la revolte
d'une pensee vivante, libre et irrationnelle contre les doctrines sclerosees
d'une raison et d'un progres qui trouve son point d'orgue dans la barbarie
de la premiere guerre mondiale.

Dadada. Plutot qu'une exposition collective comme on l'entend communement
aujourd'hui qui pose une problematique, un discours, une theorie sur le
rapprochement de divers artistes et le choix de leurs oeuvres,dadada propose
une foire-expo-collection d'art contemporain.
Au dela des clivages formalistes et theoriques, de tout dogmatisme
d'exposition, c'est ici l'Affect et une conception anarchique du principe
d'exposition qui sont affirmes. Desir, sensibilite et seduction comme moteur
de l'exposition.
Desir du curateur de confronter le travail de plusieurs artistes de la
Galerija10m2 de Sarajevo. Affirmation et liberation des energies
pulsionnelles des oeuvres, plutot qu'un commissariat qui bride leurs
potentielles energies de seductions en les faisant devenir les outils d'une
pensee qui reduit les oeuvres et leurs infinies interpretations a la seule
pretention d'un discours reducteur.
Dans un monde ou la pensee unique predomine, ou l'idee de la democratie dans
son essence anarchique est nie, l'art s'expose comme l'espace politique
d'une liberte, d'une humanite sensible et irrationnelle a preserver.
Un art affranchi des discours theoriques, comme l'expression de pensees et
sensiblites diverses, sans classification arbitraire avec suffisament de
flou, ce leger "sfumato" qui permet a l'imagination de se greffer sur la
pensee et de l'ouvrir sur une multitude de possibles.
Il s'agit d'insiter sur le caractere autonome des oeuvres, sur leurs
singularites, leurs presences, leurs individualites. Il s'agit de laisser
les oeuvres vivre par elle meme et surtout de les laisssr vivre ensemble,
d'affirmer leur coexistence. Coexistence des installations, des videos et du
Hamman de Mostar, le lieu de l'exposition qui se presente comme une oeuvre
architecturale a part entiere et non comme le simple support de
Pas d'accrochage mural, ni d'eclairage electrique autre que celui necessaire
au fonctionnement des insatllations ou des videos. Une temporalite de
l'exposition double qui suggere un retour, une vision mouvante des oeuvres
et de leurs interactions.
Les oeuvres s'apprehendent alors dans le temps, dans ce glissement incessant
entre apparition et disparition, se faisant et se defaisant en fonction de
la lumiere, nous renvoyant a ce mouvement de destruction, reconstruction qui
caracterise l'histoire du Hamman, a l'essentielle vulnerabilite de l'oeuvre
d'art et a sa continuelle renaissance.

Pierre Courtin