videos from epoetry conference in paris

here are some short excerpts from performances and presentations at the 2007
epoetry conference held recently in paris: . the videos stream in, but the
connection is a bit slow, so after you click a vid, minimize it and let it
load for a while before starting it.

it was a terrific event. the mornings and afternoons were spent at the u of
paris attending lectures and panel discussions by artists and scholars; the
evenings happened off campus in paris at venues for performance and
presentations. the first evening, at Le Divan du Monde, was devoted to
performances; the second evening, at Le Point Ephemere, concerned
interactive work; and the third evening, at Le Cube, concerned Web work.

the evenings were well attended not only by people from the conference but
by parisians. the evening events were totally packed cheek to jowl.

many thanks to philippe bootz, patrick burgaud, and loss glazier for their
excellent organization of this international event.
