WRO 07 Competition Results

The statement of the Jury of the 12th International Media Art Biennale WRO 07

The 12th International Media Art Biennale WRO 07 Competition Jury, consisting of Dorota Monkiewicz, Elias Levin Rojo, Jan Schuijren i John Thomson,deliberating on May 20th in WrocA‚aw, Poland, after becoming acquainted with the works in the competition, decided to grant the following awards:

1st Prize E5000 euros
Aki Nakazawa
Negai wohiku
Japan/Germany 2006

Aki Nakazawa's work translates the personal into a more universal experience, condensing everyday thoughts and feelings into a rich statement that lingers long after the work has ended.


2nd Prize E2000 euros
Pascual Sisto
28 Years in the Implicate Order
USA 2005

28 Years in the Implicate Order is a hypnotic and poetic work that transforms perceptions of reality, revealing hidden dimensions.


3rd Prize E1000 euros
Kera Nagel & Andre Aspelmeier
Germany 2004-2007 ongoing

incite/ combined a strength of performance with intensity and presence. The music mixed a rhythmic base with an experimental form that connected directly and physically with their audience.

Special mention
Brian Mackern
Uruguay 2006

Brian Mackern's elegant performance incorporates a transparency that enhances the meditative quality of the work.

Special mention
Austria 2007

Stadtmusik's work is an intricate play with perception and duration.

WRO Center for Media Art; ul. Kuznicza 29a; 54-137 Wroclaw, Poland; P.O. Box 1385; tel.: + 48 71 344 83 69, tel./fax: + 48 71 342 26 91;
http://wrocenter.pl, [email protected]