USAmerican military personnel blocked from posting to MySpace, YouTube, etc

From "The Iraq Information Crackdown" by Nicholas von Hoffman

"Henceforth our soldiers in Iraq will find MySpace, YouTube and eleven other
websites blocked when they try to write home or post pictures and videos
from military computers. This is the latest in an ongoing crackdown on our
people blogging from Iraq. Never mind that much of what we know about this
war comes not from commercial news outlets but from what servicemen
and -women have sent back home through cyberspace."

"The Pentagon says that the communications ban is needed because private
messages were clogging Internet capacity and getting in the way of priority
war communications. It did not add that some of what our people were sending
back home were pictures of events and actions the Administration does not
want shown. The President long ago refused to permit pictures of our own war
dead returning home in flag-draped coffins, so he must have been going nuts
over what active-duty soldiers have been posting on YouTube."
