Disarming the teaching of history in the Middle East

From "Can We Talk?" by Eric Alterman at

"The difficulty of solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict stems from more
sources than one can comfortably count, but surely one of the most
significant is our inability even to discuss it. The emotional intensity of
so many people's investment in their own self-justifying story line censors
the effects of any potentially upsetting fact."
"As it happens two professors, Sami Adwan of Bethlehem University and Dan
Bar-On of Ben-Gurion University, are trying to address exactly this problem
under the aegis of the Peace Research Institute in the Middle East (
http://vispo.com/PRIME/leohn.htm ). Called "Learning Each Other's Historical
Narrative," their project aims to develop parallel histories of the Israelis
and Palestinians, translate them into Hebrew and Arabic and train teams of
teachers and historians to teach in the classroom. If we are ever to have
any real hope of solving the Israel/Palestine crisis, then surely this is
the place to begin."
