Contiguous Text Collaboration

This is a project I created that uses autofill to produce community based text. It works by submitting any string that proceeds a punctuation mark such as a ',' or '.' within the text field, it than indexes this database to make a lexicon of previously written lines of text. Then when you type it searches this text for the current word you wrote and if a match is found, inputs the entire sentence which was previously written by someone else. When you 'print' your completed poem, it generates a random email address within a community of email users, for the time being it is '' community. The email is sent with your poem, and an invitation for the user to create their own. The site also logs your IP address and generates a random identification for each user, and logs each poem created and plots it within the galaxy of all users. You can then browse this galaxy and see what other texts have been generated from the community word bank.

by mark beasley
