Max Hermans First Annual Mothers Day Message

Hello All!

This is my first of what may be more than one Mother


, Rhizomer

Dear Herman and Dear Rhizomers,

i am feeling similar things about motherhood and you described very well,i think,

it's generally difficult to reconstruct or support our own mother due to this complicated mother child biologic, '''historical' ''' and '''''mithologic''''' bounds. we don't choose our mothers. Nearly,it's not an idea at all

however; we have a chance to be chosen, invent and to be invented by network mothers.

Herman had described network motherhood as 'both individual creative genius and the conditions of its birth form a critical part of aesthetic evolution, networks, Networkism, and motherhood.'and 'netetwork'? mothers (both men and women doesnt mind, at the end what is important is that mother discovery-invention conditions,i suppose) can come from this athena,shiva or dionysos' roots of motherhood etc as 'network' motherhoods of herman

herman and Dear rhizomers, when i send my calls about this my network momy need last year,there was funny jokes about that in net.

i can see you're smiling some of you with different nuances. i don't mind

what i'd like to tell is…(o.k stupid fucking little fun motherday,today… but….)

what i'd like to say is…..

' i found my net mothers beyond minds!!
some are both funny and poetics,others are really really compationate,clever and nice people.

they all seems to have special and strong characters and/or networks or networks ideas.

i thank all of them and their network's ideas….


Max Herman <[email protected]> wrote:

Hello All!

This is my first of what may be more than one Mother