Fwd: Robert Roth's Health Proxy

Robert Roth is a friend of mine & hence I've been
lucky enough to read most of this work in various
fragments & drafts over the past two or three years.
I think it is absolutely extraordinary & I love it.
Also, I can think of nothing quite like it - the
nearest analogy I could begin to draw is if the Pillow
Book of Sei Shonagon had been written by a 60ish year
old New York Jewish anarchist with an singular talent
for friendship & anxious self-scrutiny in equal
measure, a love of baseball, a highly developed sense
of humour & perhaps rather unfashionably, a huge &
generous heart.
I really can't recommend it too highly - do yourself a
favour & order a copy (see forward below). You won't
regret it. If you buy a copy & you aren't wowed by it,
mail me & I'll send you the price of the book

Yuganta Press

proudly announces the publication of

Health Proxy by Robert Roth

This extraordinary book dares to hope in full view of
the darkness of
our times. Roth's many friendships, the key to this
hope, repudiate
the assertion that "hell is other people." Seldom have
the bits and
pieces of a man's life added up so poignantly, as
Roth's do, to the
body and soul of an entire community.

For a more complete description, please go to

You can order the book by credit card at

You can also, if you prefer, send a check to Yuganta
Press for the
amount of $12.00 (which includes postage and
handling.) If you order
more than one book, please add $1 for each additional

Yuganta Press, 6 Rushmore Circle, Stamford, CT 06905.

Phone: 203 322 5438. E-mail: [email protected]