Re: new Visual Artists competition for Exposure & Recognition

Wow, I've been looking at some of the painters at the Art Buzz website and
I'm impressed. You can hardly even see the numbers.

> Call To Visual Artists: Deadline Sept. 30, 2007
> Art Buzz, (the book) The 2008 Collection, is now accepting entries for
> publication with international exposure and recognition! The competition
> is open to visual artists, worldwide, who work in any visual art media
> (must be 18 or older). Art Buzz, the book, is a fine quality, full color,
> large format book that is scheduled for release in the fall of 2007 with a
> vigorous distribution and marketing plan. The pages of Art Buzz are open
> to all quality visual artists including new artists that have yet to
> venture out for public scrutiny. Art Buzz, founded in 2004 by artist, Tony
> Blue, knows how important the big 'E' - EXPOSURE - is. The Art Buzz
> selection process is fair, unbiased and based on accessibility and a level
> playing field. All visual artists are encouraged to enter the competition
> to be included and exposed in the first volume of Art Buzz, The 2008
> Collection. The deadline for entries is September 30, 2007 (Art Buzz is
> offering an early-entry-discount). For more in!
> formation regarding the competition, awards, fee and entry forms, go to
> and click on Art Buzz, the book.
> - by artists for artists (not-for-profit)
> "Dedicated to the Enlightenment of the Visual Arts and the Advancement of
> its Creators"
> Tony Blue, founder & publisher
> Artists Unite! Log on, join and take advantage of Art Buzz.
> +
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> -> questions: [email protected]
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