Re: Homo-Habilis Hand-Axe

I think this is an interesting project. Last Saturday I was picking up
trash for Earth Day at the Mississippi River, and kept three items to make a
sculpture based on combining different elements etc.: The stone portion being a
hand-ax for carving on the metal piece (not yet done).

This also relates to the question of making objects, instruments, helps, and
so forth as stated by Bacon in the Novum Organum and by poet Dan Schneider
in this poem from the G2K archive 1999:, i.e., "to use
technology, not express it." Other concepts also relate such as the origin
of intelligence, people becoming machines, reverting into an unintelligent
tool-making regressed as Adorno wrote, and such.

Having the rapid prototype takes the personal making of the item out of the
process (sort of, while also sort of not removing it) which suggests that
addition of something additional to instinct is not really the same as
removing everything, including the instinct (and very arguably the
"intelligence" or that which is capable of experiencing intelligence). So,
perhaps a dystopian network is one where there's not instinct plus
intelligence plus lots of other stuff, but just an automatic repetitiveness
masquerading as creativity.

In any case, interesting project and themes. On a side note here is a 2006
post from Artforum about Networkism.

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