FW: Version>07 is starting

Check it out.
Version is by far the coolest thing coming out of Chicago.
New Media meets Politics.

—— Forwarded Message
From: Edmar <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2007 00:27:59 -0500
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Version>07 is starting

Version>07 the Insurrection Internationale is starting this week. April 19 -
May 6, 2007.

Please check out our schdule online at www.versionfest.org
it will redirect all over the place…

Please repost and send out this to everyone you know.

this year is going to be incredible! 18 days. 18 nites.

Of note is that our brand new space is hosting an amazing group show called
We're Rollin They're Hatin'.

There's programing all over the city. Our little indy art fair is on again.
Freaks and heavy humans from around the planet are converging on Chicago.

we have a pre-party and Lumpen 104 release show!
get the program. watch some freaky shit and help us turn the city upside
down again.


Rejects! Countercultural Studies Program: A Pre Version>07 Party
8:30pm @ Sonotheque E 1444 W. Chicago Ave.
$5 cover after 10pm
!!! Free svedka vodka drinks 10-11pm

First we will screen the cult Japanese film Funeral Parade of Roses (1969).