Theater/Performance: Latte, Brownie, Milk - Ruediger John

Theater/Performance: Latte, Brownie, Milk - Ruediger John

Latte, Brownie, Milk
a play/performance as an experiment on reality for actors and audience
2006/2007, ca. 90 min.
by Ruediger John

Latte, Brownie, Milk combines elements of theater productions and performance art to stage and simultaneously conduct an experiment in selective information on reality for actors and the audience.

For several days the artist Ruediger John created a setup within a coffee shop that challenged the public audience as well as the actors to examine the different levels of self-perception within their acting by asking them to combine everyday rituals with theatrical gestures. A focus of this experiment was to create different perspectives on individual behavioural patterns in public rather than to intervene into social interactions.

By advertising the presentation as well as by showing modified excerpts of these performances to a consuming audience at BACKSCREEN a further contextualisation of the sampled material takes place.

"Perception means to distinguish between the seemingly false and the seemingly true." (D. Granosalis)

March, 16th 2007
8:30 pm
admission: $8

BACKSCREEN @ BAM (Brooklyn Academy of Music) Rose Cinemas, 30 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn, NY