Bruce Grove Mix in VisitorsStudio - live event - tomorrow 3pm GMT

Bruce Grove Mix in VisitorsStudio

Online real-time event : Bruce Grove Mix
When?: Fri Feb 23rd 3pm-3:30pm GMT
With : Fizzykal, Traye, Seyoum, Prince, Blazem,
Hazeldon, Kkid, Kidhypez & Yoseph.

A group of talented young people from Tottenham in
North London have
been preparing media files that explore and depict
life in their local
neighbourhood. Their mix has been prepared with the
support of two
artists, Graziano Milano and Michael Szpakowski, and
will be projected
live during the launch of the new Bruce Grove Media
Centre, London N17.
To share views of their worlds, join them tomorrow
afternoon in
VisitorsStudio as they mix their images and sounds
together for this
live performance.

To join the event please go here and click ENTER