CIRCA Puerto Rico '07 - CALL FOR VIDEO - Deadline March 10, 2007

CIRCA Puerto Rico '07 - CALL FOR VIDEO

Entre la piedra y la flor
("Between the stone and the flower")
Curated by Lee Wells

Artist/curator Lee Wells, co-founder of and
IFAC-arts will organize two screening programs fusing contemporary short
form video artworks that discuss politics and beauty.

Through the use of the Internet, new media and affordable means of
production and distribution, international video artists now have the tools
to break free from the confines and dissolve the boarders that once
marginalized the artists and the art form. Globalization has produced a
transcultural convergence that allows the artists to not only break from the
classical conception of culture but also find a mutual intersection that
mixes cultural forms and lifestyles by cutting through the various national
and ethnic boundaries previously defined by 20th century institutional
multicultural spectacles.

Screening 1 - A Peaceful Night
A program of video that reflects the social and political circumstances of
21st century globalism in relation to the expanding influence of
international culture.

Screening 2 - In the Eye of the Beholder
A program of video analyzing the esthetics of the sublime and how
technologies rapidly changing influence is redefining concepts of identity,
and our relationships to the world around us.

Duration - 5 minutes or less.