For Immediate Release - Emergency Room at PS1/MOMA

Hi Rhizome.
If you are free this Sunday and are in NYC please come by the opening
reception for a show I am in with a bunch of other great artists @ PS1.

Hope to see you.

For Immediate Release:
January 29th 2007

Emergency Room at PS1/MOMA - ER NYC
Feb 8 - March 19, 2007
Opening Reception February 11, 2007 12-6pm

Raphaele Shirley, Lee Wells, and Paul Middendorf exhibit new collaborative
works and installations for Emergency Room at PS1 February 8th.

Everyday there are topics which seem ignored or under represented by the
media, such as the war, genocide, global warming and more. It is important
to keep finding clues and links which would reveal new evidences on the
reality we are living in. It is important to seek and redefine what
constitutes the news as it seems to the mainstream media is fairly myopic
(using censorship through omission) about what is really going on around us.
The emergency room group will be replicating the idea of a set format, as
the news media have which will be the base structure, image, the pictorial
context of expression. Working to generate an iconic image, logo and
memorable framework, the images will be disfigured or added to on a daily
basis, creating a log, a trail, of emergency events. Fragments of paper,
written notes, video, and performance will unfold a picture for the public.
The transient and fast paced environment coupled with the premise of the
installation is a great opportunity to experience a new form of artistic
expression, experimenting and focusing intensely on the moment and the
current pulse of the world.

Raphaele, Lee, and Paul are artists who are specializing in political
critique, public interventions and collaborations. The triangle created
between these artists will generate a dialogue, a smoke signal path, and a
critical exchange related to what constitutes the news and how this can be
expressed within this context. Varying in mediums used, alternating freely
between live video, internet, performance, painting, photography and
installation according the needs of the moment we will document everyday,
each day at PS1. Using the fabric of the city as our palette of expression
and source of news, bringing back to Emergency Room fragments of urgency and
emergency. Emergency Room is a constantly evolving collaborative exhibition
conceived and led by artist Thierry Geoffroy, a.k.a. Colonel.

Emergency Room is motivated by a desire to learn what other artists think
about current affairs from varied international perspectives under strict
time constraints. By providing a physical space in which artists can display
works made in reaction to current events, Emergency Room takes the pulse of
the artistic community today. On each day of the exhibition, artists will
install new work in response to the events of the last 24 hours, an
arrangement that recalls daily news cycles. The artworks stay on view until
the next morning when they are moved to an adjacent archive space and
replaced by new work.

Participating Artists
Jaishri Abichandani, Kamrooz Aram, Victor Ash, John Avelluto, Toby Barnes,
Bill Beirne, Niels Bonde, Steven Day, Mike Estabrook, Frank Franzen, Charley
Friedman, Nancy Friedmann, Deborah Grant, Jean de Piepape, Jens Haaning,
Sophie Hjerl, Vandana Jain, Amy Kao, Lasse Lau, Shaun Leonardo, Peter Lind,
Caroline Lund & Thorbjorn Reuter Christiansen, Al Masson, Marc Mer, Paul
Middendorf, Mac Premo, Lisi Raskin, Susanne Schuricht, Raphaele Shirley,
Lisa Strombeck, Henrick Vibskov, Lee Wells

Emergency Room at PS1/MOMA - ER NYC February 8 - March 19
Also opening at ps1 Not For Sale, Tom Sandberg, Vik Munez, Silicone Valley,
abbas Kiarostami and Jonas Mekas.

Please stay up to date for the daily changes of PS1