Turbulence Commission: "Gothamberg" by Martin Wattenberg and Marek Walczak, et al

February 2, 2007
Turbulence Commission: "Gothamberg" by Martin Wattenberg and Marek Walczak,
with Chuck Crow, Johanna Kindvall, Warren Lehrer, Christiane Paul and Vivian

Everyone who has lived in an apartment has a story to tell. "Gothamberg" is
a place to read, interact and exchange stories of lives in apartment
buildings. Together, these tales of unwanted sounds and smells, lobbies and
bathrooms, laundry room gossip and unexpected favors form a single
collective building, "Gothamberg". Their experiences form the elliptical
threads of inhabitation, a mnemonic quality expressing something of the
shared nature of dwelling.

"Gothamberg" is a 2006 commission of New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc.,
(aka Ether-Ore) for its Turbulence web site. It was made possible with
funding from the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.


MARTIN WATTENBERG'S work centers on the theme of making the invisible
visible. Past projects include "The Shape of Song," "Thinking Machine,"
"history flow", the Whitney Artport's "Idea Line," and "Apartment."
Wattenberg is a researcher at IBM's Visual Communication Lab where he
creates new forms of data visualization. He is also known for the
SmartMoney.com "Map of the Market." Wattenberg holds a Ph.D. in mathematics
from U.C. Berkeley.

MAREK WALCZAK is an artist and architect who is interested in how people
participate in physical and virtual spaces. This has led to digital tools
and interactive projects such as "Apartment" which was shown at the Whitney
Museum and many venues worldwide. "Dialog Table" has recently been completed
for the Walker Art Center, it is a shared interface that replaces a keyboard
and mouse with gesture recognition technology. Current projects bridge
physical installations with user interaction, including a one block long
facade at "7 World Trade Center" that reacts to pedestrians walking beneath
it (for James Carpenter Design) and video installations that activate
physical space based on user engagement such as Third Person, recently shown
at the ICA, London.

CHUCK CROW is a financial engineer who specializes in the theory and
implementation of autonomous trading systems. He obtained a B.S. in Computer
Science with minors in Mathematics and Business Management from Johns
Hopkins University and an M.S. in Operations Research from Columbia
University. Chuck uses digitally rendered sound and raw field recordings to
create engaging soundscapes intended for controlled listening environments.
From lush layering to stark microsound, his compositional techniques include
the use of static noise, stochastic processes, and real-time web data. He
acquired a private pilot's license during the summer of 2000.

JOHANNA KINDVALL is an architect with a background in social work. She grew
up in South Sweden and is now living in New York. After her degree in social
studies she worked for seven years mostly with drug addicts and the mentally
ill. At the same time she also worked with sculpture and art installations.
For her architecture is a way to combine art with social issues. Johanna's
work is often about the relationship between spaces and people, movement and
behavior. In May 2003 Johanna got a grant from the Arts Grants Committee in
Sweden to work with Marek Walczak in New York City on spaces and digital
interaction. Currently Johanna is working for James Carpenter Design in New
York. In her spare time she is also working on the Hudson Park Project.

WARREN LEHRER is a multi-disciplinary artist, writer, designer, performer,
and educator. Over the past 25 years, he has been writing and designing
books and theatrical works that explore the music of thought and speech, the
complexity of character, the pathos and absurdity of life, and the
relationship between social structures and the individual. The form and
structure of his books attempt to capture the shape of thought and reunite
the oral and pictorial traditions of storytelling with the printed page.
Warren has published ten books including "Crossing the BLVD": strangers,
neighbors, aliens in a new America (written with Judith Sloan). With Dennis
Bernstein, he wrote the play Social Security: the basic training of Eugene
Solomon, and with Harvey Goldman, he co-wrote and co-composed a contemporary
opera, The Search for It and Other Pronouns. He has also produced two audio
CDs, and six radio documentaries for Public Radio. His plays and performance
pieces have been performed at La MaMa Experimental Theatre, the Public
Theatre, the Theatre Workshop (Scotland), the Knitting Factory, the Jewish
Museum, Independent Art at Here, the Painted Bride, etc.

CHRISTIANE PAUL is the Adjunct Curator of New Media Arts at the Whitney
Museum of American Art and the director of "Intelligent Agent", a service
organization dedicated to digital art. She has written extensively on new
media arts and her book "Digital Art" (part of the World of Art Series by
Thames & Hudson, UK) was published in July 2003. She teaches in the MFA
computer arts department at the School of Visual Arts in New York and has
lectured internationally on art and technology. At the Whitney Museum, she
curated the show "Data Dynamics" (2001), the net art selection for the 2002
Whitney Biennial, as well as the online exhibition "CODeDOC" (2002) for
artport, the Whitney Museum's online portal to Internet art for which she is
responsible. Other curatorial work includes "The Passam3eege of Mirage"
(Chelsea Art Museum, New York, 2004); "Evident Traces" (Ciberarts Festival
Bilbao, 2004); and "eVolution – the art of living systems" (Art
Interactive, Boston, 2004).

VIVIAN SELBO has conceptualized and designed web projects for "PBS/P.O.V.",
the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA), the Brooklyn Academy of
Music, the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, and the Museum of Modern Art, NY,
among others. From 1995 to 1998, Selbo was the interface director of
adaweb.com, now part of the Walker Art Center's Digital Arts Study
Collection. Selbo is also an adjunct professor at the School of the Visual
Arts, and New York University.

For more information about Turbulence please visit http://turbulence.org

Jo-Anne Green, Co-Director
New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc.: http://new-radio.org
New York: 917.548.7780 . Boston: 617.522.3856
Turbulence: http://turbulence.org
New American Radio: http://somewhere.org
Networked_Performance Blog: http://turbulence.org/blog
Upgrade! Boston: http://turbulence.org/upgrade