FW: Gigantic ArtSpace [GAS] - [silence] opening / GAS closing party this Wednesday from 6-9 pm at Gigantic ArtSpace

Its always no fun to hear a cool art space is closing its doors.
If you are in NYC come out and show your support.

—— Forwarded Message
From: Lea Rekow <[email protected]>
Reply-To: <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:47:34 -0500 (EST)
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Gigantic ArtSpace [GAS] - [silence] opening / GAS closing party
this Wednesday from 6-9 pm at Gigantic ArtSpace

Hi everyone!
As you may have heard, GAS is closing, and Wednesday, January 31st will be
our final opening. We'd like to make it a big party to say goodbye to all
our friends, colleagues, and supporters. We hope you can make it down to
the gallery from 6-9 pm this Wednesday. Thank you all for helping make
GAS the success that it was over the past three and a half years. Change
is good and we look forward to seeing you all in our coming future
Lea & the staff of Gigantic ArtSpace


Gigantic ArtSpace [GAS] and free103point9* present:


curated by Galen Joseph-Hunter and Dylan J. Gauthier

January 31