Re: Seattle CyberArt in the 70s

I can't believe I found this…I was on You Tube and started thinking about "Eat the Sun" and just did a Google to see if maybe I could find it, and here I find the guiy who starred in it! This is too cool! Besides wanting to ask if there is somewhere I could obtain a copy of the film, I just want to say that the one line that has stuck with me for all these years is "If they're old enough to pee, they're old enough for me" which still cracks me up!


, Rhizomer

I've been trying to Google this movie tongiht's a slow night at work. I was an Eagles regular, although I had to migrate here from Yakima sometimes. Loooved those shows!
But this movie EAT THE SUN I loved! It was playing in the U District on the Ave at that small theater north of 50th with Jimmy Cliff's HARDER THEY COME debuting and reggae was just catching on. Maybe subliminally I thought of EAT THE SUN tongiht cuz I have some WFMU Reggae Schoolroom playing…
If you come across a copy of the film or a way to get it, pleeeaase let me know. [email protected]. Thank you!