Sympathisaints for RAF

Beloved friends,

with this letter we want to make you on RAF (forum of kind of
revolution) attentively - for an unusual project, which was brought by
a number of international artists, theoreticians and activists into
being. One year ago the German writer and philosopher Jan Reemtsma
bought a large, rural cottage from that 19. Century between Brussels
and Berlin which is available for artists and theoreticians, in order
to create an open platform for not-institutional meetings, exchange and
work on the area of the science, performance, dance, theatre, screen
art, film, music and theory. A place for the concentration and the
work, and accessible for everyone.

It is a singulary initiative - already in the short time, in which RAF
exists since December 2005 now, a constantly growing number (so far
over 350) of prospective customers from all world showed, how necessary
it is: Over 350 people have joined RAF in the meantime and brought
themselves in the autopoietic organized project.

At the moment RAF is confronted with many difficulties by beginning
without academic contributions. In order to make it short: RAF needs
your support to come around this critical phase till the inauguration
of Stiftungsprofessuren and syfety beyond - in such a well-known
difficult and time-consuming process. Therefore we are dependent on
yoursassistance: building safety precautions and for basic costs such
as heating and insurance are ensured.

For this reason the promotion association 'Sympathisaints of RAF