Ruins of the future

Ruins of the future
Arequipa, Peru - 1th september - 6th november - Target Foundation is pleased
to announce The first Peruvian International Exhibition of Contemporary Art
1 th september- 6th november 2003, be held in Arequipa, Peru.

This exhibition brings together nine installations of the leading
contemporary artists of the 21st century. Anish Kapoor(India); Mario Merz
(Italy), Niele Toroni (Italy) Claes Oldenburg (USA) Christo (Bulgaria)
Thomas Hirschhorn (Switzerland), Jeff Koons (USA), Joseph Kosuth (USA) and
Richard Long (England) were asked to produce special works of art.

These works feature art as the site for a variety of everyday activities and
scenarios that function as powerful social and political metaphors, each of
these nine installations making use of ovens of foundation stones for future
buildings. In these works Peru's architecture becomes both a provocative
subject and a seductive site for exploring questions of cultural identity,
social boundaries, and global politics. These works contrast Peruvians
architectural and historical ideals with the reality of contemporary social
and political concerns.

The name of the Exhibition has been chosen to encourage reflection on the
concepts of historical identity and democracy in the context of
globalisation. As in the eighties, it seems that in the last year the
country has been facing once again the paralysing effects of strikes and
violence. This is the reason that Peru was chosen for this event. Despite
the difficult political and economic situation of the country the artists
insisted that the exhibition should go ahead.

Ruins of the future was organized by Target Foundation, Rotterdam, The
Netherlands, the Curators being Marjan van Mourik, artpromotor of
contemporary art and Pierre Mertens, contextual artist, Antwerp, Belgium.
This exhibition is made possible by Pierre Mertens Real Estate Agents.

Website: of the future/index.htm

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Target Press Contact:
Marjan van Mourik
email: [email protected]
voice: (0051)54251551

or Pierre Mertens, curator email:[email protected]