Fwd: Vacant position in the Design Faculty, Institute of Time-Based Media, at Berlin University of the Arts

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From: Art&Education <[email protected]>
Date: Nov 7, 2006 8:12 PM
Subject: Vacant position in the Design Faculty, Institute of
Time-Based Media, at Berlin University of the Arts
To: [email protected]

11/07/06 ________________________________

The following position in the Design Faculty, Institute of Time-Based
Media, is vacant at Berlin University of the Arts:

Art College Professor (m/f) - BesGr. W 3 -
for the teaching post of "Generative Art / Computational Art"
- limited to 5 years -
Teaching commitment: 18 lectures

Available: soon
Reference: 2/323/06

Tasks: Teaching and research in the area of digital art with a focus
on software-based and electronic-mechanical art expression. Tasks
range from software art through interactive networked screen projects
and interactive installations to interactive environments. Lectures
include reflection on and communication of the basics of design in
practice and the theory of digital media art. Other focal areas
include communication and experimental artistic testing of
computer-supported and performance-based interactive systems; linking
audio, video, space and items. Basic artistic handling of electronics,
sensory technology, generativity and programming should also be
communicated within the framework of lectures.

Requirements: University graduate or evidence of equivalent artistic
or scientific artistic achievements and awards; teaching experience
and pedagogical skills; excellent practical artistic design in the
area of digital art; knowledge and competence in the communication of
programming and electronics. Multilingualism of advantage.

Employment requirements in accordance with