Re: [webartery] convert ASF to a format that Premiere can read?

Hi Millie
I use an small MP4 recorder on occasion (I don't know
whether you remember my *my funny valentine* piece -
the piano sections were shot with it) which records to
this deeply irritating format -why can't an mpeg4
recorder record to mp4?? - I use River Past Cleaner

to convert.
I have the full version but it looks as though the
lite version will do what you want.
When I first got the camera I googled feverishly to
see if there was a free converter -I couldn't find one
but things could've moved on.
There's also another converter I've seen, called total
video converter,

which seems to do much the same stuff. Looks as though
you can download a trial of that, not sure how the
trial is limited though…
Looking forward to seeing the piece!

— Millie Niss <[email protected]> wrote:

> I have a weird off-brand media player, the Cowon A2
> (an MP3 player that can
> also play & record video), and I recorded some stuff
> from TV using it. It
> plays back beautifully on the player and on my
> computer using Windows Media
> Player, but I can't for the life of me get ot ontpo
> Premiere, and I made the
> recording to get source material for my work, not to
> watch as-is…
> It's an ASF file. Premiere claims to be able to
> import ASF but it can't
> import this. I tried many many methods to convert,
> and the only thing that
> worked at all was importing into Windows Movie Maker
> and exporting the movie
> as AVI, but this degraded the quality horribly (the
> input ASF file is a
> weird small size and WMM only exports a few standard
> sizes) and it also took
> forever (several hours for an hour of video).
> Does anyone have any ideas?
> By the way I am not ripping off network TV shows
> etc. – my recording is
> mostly of televangelists and commercials, and I am
> planning a mashup that
> will process the images and sounds beyond
> recognition.
> Millie Niss
> [email protected]
> P.S. If you are replying from Rhizome RAW, please
> email me a copy because I
> read only Rare and the reply might not make it
> there…
> —– Original Message —–
> From: "Joel Weishaus" <[email protected]>
> To: "Webartery" <[email protected]>
> Sent: Sunday, November 05, 2006 11:12 AM
> Subject: [webartery] Fw: "introduction" posted for
> feedback and suggestions
> On Oct 29, 2006, at 8:01 AM, Richard Smyth wrote:
> Hi,
> I've written the following as an intro to "the
> selected works of ulmer,"
> a book i'm making in Second Life to introduce
> researchers and students to
> these concepts. Please feel free to
> critique/criticize/suggest
> revision/etc. I invite your collaboration.
> Thanks.
> Richard
> "What Aristotle is to rhetoric and poetics,
> Ulmer is to hyperrhetoric
> and poetics."
> –Victor
> Vitanza
> Vitanza's statement is no exaggeration. Since
> the publication of his
> first book, Applied Grammatology: Post(e)-Pedagogy
> from Jacques Derrida to
> Joseph Beuys, the career of Gregory Ulmer has
> consistently aimed at learning
> from past practices of information storage and
> retrieval with the purpose of
> inventing new practices for emerging media at a time
> of major cultural and
> social transformation.
> As a "grammatologist"-that is, as one who
> studies the "history and
> theory of writing"-Ulmer puts the practices of
> orality and literacy into a
> broader historical context such that the underlying
> dynamics of these
> "apparatuses" become apparent. For him the
> apparatus is a triad of
> variables which includes the available communication
> technology (thought of
> as a prosthesis augmenting functions of the human
> mindbrain like memory,
> reason, emotion, and social networking); the
> institutional practices that
> result from social, economic, and political-power
> relations; and the
> experience of self made possible by these
> technologies and practices.
> Working by means of "grammatological analogy,"
> (that is, looking to past
> moments of transition in apparatus), Ulmer applies
> this anthropological
> calculus to our current historical moment with the
> purpose of inventing
> institutional practices for the emerging apparatus,
> which he calls
> "electracy." This neologism is a more appropriate
> term to use because the
> host of "literacies" that have cropped up (such as
> critical literacy,
> digital literacy, multimedia literacy, participatory
> media literacy,
> teleliteracy and the like) all retain an
> etymological connection to the
> apparatus of literacy, which comes from the Latin
> for letter, "littera."
> Electracy, on the other hand, invokes the electronic
> underpinnings of
> digital devices and is shorthand for the larger
> constellation of cultural
> and social phenomena that constitute our postmodern
> paradigm shift. As
> Barbara Maria Stafford writes in Artful Science,
> "Pixels are the movable
> type of the future." And the future is now.
> Ulmer's work provides the most comprehensive
> explanation for the
> technological, institutional, and cultural changes
> that humanity has faced
> in past transitions in apparatus and is facing in
> the 21st century, and it
> offers the most effective insights for how to
> understand the phenomena of
> Second Life and other forms of existing and emerging
> participatory media.
> By looking to the past, Ulmer provides a way to go
> forward into the future,
> allowing the arts and humanities to contribute
> consciously to the invention
> of new genres and institutional practices, rather
> than letting them emerge
> as a result of and under the influence of other
> social and economic forces.
> For this reason, I present the "selected works"
> of Gregory L. Ulmer, a
> collection of key quotes and passages from his
> published work, to help raise
> awareness of these important ideas and to bring them
> to a broader Second
> Life public.
> Abaris Brautigan
> Techno-Grammatologist Collaborative
> 29 October 2006
> ____________________________
> Richard Smyth
> 2 South New Street
> Bradford, MA 01835
> 978-469-7085
> [email protected]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed]
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