book release: The Metaphysics of Capital by Nicholas Ruiz

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Nicholas Ruiz III" <[email protected]>
> Date: October 24, 2006 6:53:39 AM PDT
> To: "'fibreculture'" <[email protected]>
> Subject: ::fibreculture:: book release: The Metaphysics of Capital
> The Metaphysics of Capital
> Nicholas Ruiz III
> ISBN: 097899020X
> Release date: intertheory press, November 1, 2006
> available at amazon,
> barnes and noble, etc.
> Product Description
> "A history of Capital, like a history of religion, reflects little
> more than
> the current fashion in historical time. A metaphysics of Capital,
> derived
> from the preponderance of a capitalizing bare life, supports the
> idea that
> Capital has no birth, but is eternally complicit with life, the only
> variance being, the way in which we define Capital. Capital, that
> is, the
> coining of the term–is not synonymous with its inception, or more
> saliently, there is no immaculate conception of Capital. Like the
> genetic
> Code, our identification of it did not make it so; make it exist,
> as it
> were. Evidently, unlike God, the Code preceded our conception of it.
> Ironically, like God, the Code must capitalize upon an environment
> in order
> to survive. In other words, Capital is a currency of the Code"
> About the Author
> Nicholas Ruiz III was born in New York City. He teaches bioethics,
> ethics
> and critical thought in the department of Humanities at Kaplan
> University.
> He is also the editor of Kritikos,