CFP: bpNichol + 20

Thought I would forward this to It's a call for papers from
Lori Emerson (she co-mods the Poetics list from Buffalo) who's editing an
issue of Open Letter on bpNichol, the Canadian experimental poet who died in
1988 in his 44th year. She is particularly looking for papers from young

Open Letter is a well-known and long-running publication edited by Frank
Davey, a contemporary of Lionel Kearns and George Bowering.

Geof Huth, Marko Niemi, Lionel Kearns, Dan Waber and myself are working on a
to-be-online project which will present some or all of bpNichol's computer
poems (called First Screening) and essays about them; we'll probably also
contribute to Open Letter concerning First Screening.



Please forward far and wide!

thank you,

CFP: bpNichol + 20 (04/01/2007; journal issue)


Deadlines: 1 December 2006 for proposals; 1 April 2007 for finished essays
Journal: Open Letter, A Canadian Journal of Writing and Theory
Guest Editor: Lori Emerson

"What often happens on the death of an author is that an institutional
group of textual custodians comes into being