[Fwd: Re: RHIZOME_RAW: Re: Re: Re: Mark Tribe's - New Media Art, book.]

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Subject: Re: RHIZOME_RAW: Re: Re: Re: Mark Tribe's - New Media Art, book.
From: [email protected]
Date: Sat, September 30, 2006 9:47 pm
To: [email protected]

> Being too tired to really get into this right now (damn 6am language
class bitch. Coffee, why are you failing me right now?), I will simply
posit the
> following single thought and leave it at that:
> You want community. Community made up of many and that caters to
(all|many|broad) interests.
> You complain about the average as the ideal.
> I ponder this conundrum.. or Oxymoron? Paradox? Oversight? Unexpected
> -Alexis
I wasn't complaining (a few glasses of wine slant the perspectives ;-)),
but there must be more ways of keeping an online community active, other
than a listserv. The news front end keeps users returning, but it's a
focus we see in online news mags.
I wonder if there aren't more interesting ways of keeping the flow of
discussion active in a conference modes for instance. Hosting blogs and
their offshoots, rather just constantly reblogging everything.
It's probably as much a money issue as anything else, but reblogging as
news is removed from the idea community. Its a resource, but I wonder if
it should be the main focus of activities.


, Eric Dymond

This is sort of a reply to Alexis, but it seems pertinent to other threads as well.
Why not make the Rhizome commisions contribute to the Rhizome community?
In other words, rather than spending money on individuals individual-centric work, make the paramters enhance the Rhizome Community. No more new media for new medias sake.
It would go something like this:
"Rhizome Commissions are looking for interactive new media works that enable the Rhizome community to interact, communicate and otherwise get involved in the online community."
That would be a first step towards evolvong into something new.
I know, members are going to complain, but really, we all pay for the service, and have an interest in its evolution. This would create a really interesting and creative environment.