experimental film and videoart : a strange situation

We do make films you may call it videoart, experimental video or film, what's in a name, they're are the fruits of our memories, thoughts, stimulations and sensations of our past or present.
But why aren't we paid for our work ? ok, it's not a painting you can buy,…. But why are there entry fees for festivals ? Why do festivals claim they have no funding etc ? I'm not talking about the mainstream here. But the underground circuit and festivals. Do we already have to be happy that they show our films ? That's it ? What about the equipment we need ? Collaborations with other people isn't always easy. If I want a certain actress or dancer in my movie, they ask to be paid. With what ? And funding from councils isn't always an easy job, you may be sponsored for one project or so, but if you make experimental films all the time, short or long,…., I have to sponsor myself. Mostly there is incest in the artworld, there are always the same names who are getting funding from gouverments. I'm getting sick of it.
Ps. some artistgroups are even asking a lot of money to be part of a festival and I think of Artexpo(Luca Curci).
Yours Truly,

Geert Wachtelaer


, Lee Wells

Instead of complaining, what are you going to do about it?

On 9/30/06 6:59 PM, "GEERT WACHTELAER" <[email protected]> wrote:

> We do make films you may call it videoart, experimental video or film, what's
> in a name, they're are the fruits of our memories, thoughts, stimulations and
> sensations of our past or present.
> But why aren't we paid for our work ? ok, it's not a painting you can
> buy,…. But why are there entry fees for festivals ? Why do festivals claim
> they have no funding etc ? I'm not talking about the mainstream here. But
> the underground circuit and festivals. Do we already have to be happy that
> they show our films ? That's it ? What about the equipment we need ?
> Collaborations with other people isn't always easy. If I want a certain
> actress or dancer in my movie, they ask to be paid. With what ? And funding
> from councils isn't always an easy job, you may be sponsored for one project
> or so, but if you make experimental films all the time, short or long,…., I
> have to sponsor myself. Mostly there is incest in the artworld, there are
> always the same names who are getting funding from gouverments. I'm getting
> sick of it.
> Ps. some artistgroups are even asking a lot of money to be part of a festival
> and I think of Artexpo(Luca Curci).
> Yours Truly,
> Geert Wachtelaer
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Dear Lee,
First thing I will do is quiting my job which brings bread on the table, i can not coop with it anymore, it makes me schizo.
Second thing I will do is to organise an organsition for people who are expelled from this incestious world of art. There are persons here in Belgium who're receiving funding and they really make projects which are less then zero. (But they have a name and fame to rely on) The third thing I will do is to bring out or expose this organisation by the press. It will be hard and it will be a clash in the artworld.
And really, If it came over as a complaint, then I apologise, I really want to have an answer and reactions on my statement.
Do you know how it feels when you have a concept you want to excecute and you know it's going to be a great project, but you don't have the means or money to do it ?
I had already your reply via mail and thanks for it.(it's encouraging)
This reply is for the record.