Jerusalem - there's no such city!

Tourism officials in Israel did little to sell the city of Jerusalem
as a must-see for visitors when a brochure suggested it did not exist.

The sightseeing pamphlet was translated from Hebrew and should have
read: "Jerusalem - there's no city like it!".

But instead the slogan in English read: "Jerusalem - there's no such
city!", reported the Israeli newspaper Maariv.

Tens of thousands of the leaflets were distributed before the
Jerusalem municipality realised its mistake.

The flyers were promoting a musical and arts festival held in the
city in August.

Gidi Shermling, spokesman for the Jerusalem municipality, said: "The
flyer was apparently translated by someone outside the municipality.
In new publications this mistake has been removed."

Israel currently claims sovereignty over the entire city of
Jerusalem, and claims it as its capital, after capturing East
Jerusalem from Jordan in the 1967 war.

That claim is not recognised internationally and East Jerusalem is
considered to be occupied territory.

Palestinians hope to establish the capital of an independent state in
East Jerusalem.