Let's not destroy Donald Judd

Hi Eric,

How about if I play the devil's advocate and defend Judd? As I stated in
the video, there's also a conservative side to the principle of genius (in
addition to its creative side). The mention of Benjamin was meant to warn
against false overcoming of culture and its tasks and to promote rescuing
criticism. Thus we should rescue the meaning from Judd's work into the
Jetztzeit or "time of the now."

I don't know very much about Judd but he has two works at the Walker which
may relate to minimalism, dadaism, and abstract art. In accordance with
Hans Berliner's "option" principle, by which chess moves that block future
choices unnecessarily are to be avoided (other things being equal), it would
be better for us to find a way to evolve forward without destroying
anything. In fact, destroying that which precedes can be regressive, by
resurrecting the need to create earlier work again. This is why revolution
is sometimes or always pathologically compulsive.

The central problem is that we are in a new art-historical
period–Networkism–and heretofore internet art has behaved as if it is
merely a new genre or medium within Postmodernism. Moreover, we are in a
new military-industrial period (based on globalism and the war on terror)
which adds many constraints and obligations to talk about changing art, what
to change it to, what to be respectful of, etc.

If possible, it is better to rescue the meaning from Judd into the new
period using our weak messianic power. This could be accomplished using
"Co-opetition" and a tiny bit of Schumpeter's "creative destruction" though
under very careful and anti-inflammatory methods.

Max Herman
The Genius 2000 Network
Submissions OK through 9/15


>From: Eric Dymond <[email protected]>
>Reply-To: Eric Dymond <[email protected]>
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: RHIZOME_RAW: Let's destroy Donald Judd
>Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2006 21:17:33 -0700
>If we want to free ourselves from the past we have to look at hte original
>So first on the agenda, let's destroy Donald Judd.
>"art need only be interesting"
>Nonsense, art is often uninteresting, see Galloway.
>so step 1 is initiated.
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