Fwd: "Bang Bang...." part of PRIVATE: STAFF ONLY at the ICA, London

Apologies for any cross posting.

"Bang Bang…." By Ben Woodeson presented over the ICA's
internal network between the 1st of September and the 31st of
October as part of PRIVATE: STAFF ONLY.


"PRIVATE: STAFF ONLY, or, a show that is not being shown, is an
exhibition by more than 70 ICA staff that is taking place entirely
in the private areas of the ICA. This blog documents the show
and provides links to the websites and blogs of the participants.
The show is curated by Joe Schneider and Russell Herron."


For further information on P:SO contact either:

Russell Herron - [email protected]


Joseph Schneider - [email protected]

Ben Woodeson

It is not the intention to spam, if you would prefer not to
receive occasional mailouts from Ben Woodeson then please
reply with unsubscribe in the subject line and you will not be
bothered again.

Thank you.