playtime at free cunstfilm lab congress vienna

normative bebilderung veranstaltet jahrlich zwischen neujahr und
weihnachten den free cunstfilm lab congress. ursprunglich in frankfurt
beheimatet, trifft man sich nun in wien, seit 2003 im congress center
vienna am naschmarkt. im laufe der jahre hat sich der congress zu einer
europaweit renommierten veranstaltung mit uber 33 millionen besuchern
pro jahr entwickelt, an dem auch immer mehr internationale gaste
teilnehmen. die categorie "culture" umfasst culturelle
bewusstseinsveranderungen und themen am rande des wahrnehmungsapparats.
beispiele sind diskordianismus, mops-entertainment, cultur der
computercunst, computermusique, plasticcunst und post-situationism
literature for balcan bulldoggz.

[playtime teil 2] 06.08.2006, 8m00s

normative bebilderung (norming pictures) is a communication laboratory
that works on political language. normative bebilderung uses the
driving way, destructuring words and languages, mixing and matching
situations, concepts and practices; for reinventing the political
language and for being more incisive on a waste level of norming
communication. normative bebilderung was the first art film shop
managed by dogz in germany (now located in an independent culture
jamming center in vienna), but it is also a hyper-place scaffolded with
breaks, a circuit to interact and transponds to other circuits. a place
where bullroddity is central cause, it is the zero degree of being's
desire. beyond gender, normative bebilderung's doggz use a collective
name: "dog", expressing the desire to shut down with no need of auto
aggression or agency.

for more information about free cunstfilm lab congress and normative
bebilderung please feel free to subscribe for horrorkatze's and sal
randolph's free net boy group at
[email protected]

thanks and nice grrreetingz,
beate z

| interlinking of media
| practice with gender related issues